Assets & net worth

Here you can find our reports, Assets, & net worth

Net Worth, revenue projections, & the 2025 Operational Launch Report

Please Note: These numbers are before the launch of the company, we have not invested any capital into generating capital at this time, we have focused on where we wish the company to go, how we wish it to run, & deep planning.

Info on assets, Net worth, & the launch in 2025 are below in the Report.

2025 Lusinsaano Alesander Matrix Operational Launch Report

The 2025 Operational Launch Report adds about 4.8% weekly alternative projection

Annual revenue projections for 2025 are held at ≈ $43,320 - $53,940 (as of 6/16/2024)

Please be advised that our projections are currently being updated as we progress, as next year marks the commencement of our operations.